GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 17

Working At Wellness
From Carol Orsborn, Ph.D
Gens X and Y have a
handle on demanding
the integration of wellness
routines into their
work lives. Their cafeterias are organic,
their office parties are hearty and
apparently it’s not frowned upon to
catch a catnap in the middle of the day.
But notice I said the tech companies
“kind of” treat their young workers
right. What’s my hesitation? Part of
the package is that what is uncool is to
go home before midnight. It’s not that
they don’t have a life—it’s just that their
life is lived at work.
Believe it or not, you don’t have to
live your life at work…
Read More
Playing Doctor At Home (Part 1)
From Gary Moulton, Microsoft
I attended a United
Nations hosted conference
on healthcare a couple
years ago and one of the
speakers presented a graph that showed
the increased need for medical services
required due to the number of aging Baby
Boomers. His graph was juxtaposed with
another showing the number of medical
professionals forecasted to provide
that care. If the future holds “true,” there
could be a LOT of us who won’t have a
doctor in the future when we need one.
But there IS something
we can do…
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Forming Healthy H
From Anne Meneghetti, M
The min
at the tho
one’s life. Parts of the b
keep us on an even ke
keep us satisfied. Once
like brushing one’s tee
the brain incorporates
status quo. In fact, the
through with old habit
tomatic pilot mode. W
location without havin
ery detail, for example
brain forms grooves de
old patterns as a way t
Find out how to form
your life…
Read More

GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011

Grand - Mar/Apr 2011
Grand Treasure Hunt
Table of Contents
Grand View
Grand Central
Tanner, a poem by Glenda Barrett
Cover Story: Envisioning Clean and Green
Fly, Ladies!
Take Charge of Your Health
Grand Products
Angels in St. Petersburg
The Power of Prevention
Grandparent Rights: Sneaking Around
Ask Next Stage Woman
Kinship Care
Fighting Family Obesity
Grand Finale
Toys ’N Tech
Find Fun Things To Do
Pot or Not?
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - intro
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Grand - Mar/Apr 2011
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 3
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 4
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Grand Treasure Hunt
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Table of Contents
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Grand View
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 8
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Grand Central
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 10
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 11
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 12
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 13
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 14
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Tanner, a poem by Glenda Barrett
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 16
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 17
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 18
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Cover Story: Envisioning Clean and Green
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 20
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 21
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 22
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Fly, Ladies!
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 24
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Take Charge of Your Health
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 26
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Grand Products
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 28
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Angels in St. Petersburg
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 30
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 31
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 32
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - The Power of Prevention
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 34
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 35
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 36
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Grandparent Rights: Sneaking Around
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 38
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 39
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 40
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 41
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Kinship Care
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Fighting Family Obesity
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 44
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Grand Finale
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 46
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Toys ’N Tech
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 48
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 49
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - 50
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Find Fun Things To Do
GRAND Magazine - March/April 2011 - Pot or Not?