Growing old vs. growing up
Wrinkles, wisdom...and sex that’s better than ever!
By DorrEE Lynn
re you grown-up but don’t fee old? Does your outside image feel out of kilter with how you feel inside? Surrounded by a youth-oriented culture, we ma consider the whole question of growing up vs. growing old befuddling at times, especially the issues around sex. Children of all ages, even grown-up ones, still seem prone to the “yuck” factor when they think of their parents or otherwise elders making love. At what age do grownups have to grow up? Since we are living longer tha ever before in U.S. history, we are pioneers forging new path and definitions about what it means to be “grown-up.” We may be grown-up, but most of us are no longer old in the ways associated with those generations who’ve preceded
MAy junE 2011
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of GRAND Magazine - May/June 2011