The art of swaddling O ne of the remedies developed to calm the newborn's startle reflex that seems more common with back-sleeping is the swaddling technique, in which a baby's arms are tucked snugly at his/her side while the baby is wrapped in a cocoon. Most hospitals teach new parents this technique - and the parents can teach you if they want you to use it. Swaddling can be done with a blanket - but special suits are also available. These come with Velcro in all the right places. You will know you have done the job well if the baby looks like a burrito. 17 GRAND JULY AUGUST 2017 The practice of singing softly to help a baby sleep is as old as time. But modern research offers some explanation for its success. One is that an ancient part of the brain in the limbic system holds the emotional responses to music, and in doing so, quiets the physical response to a stimulating world. Another explanation is that the meter of most lullabies (6/8 time) gives a rocking or swaying rhythm that closely matches what conditions were like for the baby before birth. As your GRANDbaby gets older, sleep habits change Most babies do not begin sleeping through the night (6 to 8 hours) without waking until at least 3 months of age, or until they weigh 12 to 13 pounds. However, this varies considerably and some babies do not sleep through the night until closer to 1 year. " Swaddled babies should definitely not sleep on their tummies - or be swaddled if they are able to turn from their back to their tummy. Their legs should also not be tightly swaddled because they need to move their hips for normal development. Why do lullabies work? Grands need to sleep like babies You wouldn't want to be swaddled and you don't absolutely have to sleep on your back. But sleep is just as important for grandparents as it is for babies. For some great tips, click here! If you feel a little rusty, here's a video that shows how to swaddle and calm an infant Cheryl Harbour is the special editor of the "My GRANDbaby" section and author of Good to Be Grand: Making the Most of your Grandchild's First Year, a combination of up-to-date information and grandparently inspiration. swaddle a newborn video&kpvalbx=1 swaddle a newborn video&kpvalbx=1 swaddle a newborn video&kpvalbx=1