contents 8 RECIPES Smoothies your g-kids will love 18 ON THE COVER: Pat Mitchell at the 2016 Women's Media Awards 3 GRAND VIEW 5 GRANDSAY 6 We're rich! Goodnight Gracie ENCORE CAREERS Going solo in the workforce? 10 CONNECTING Great conversations with your grandkids 23 GRANDSRISING Link your gift and change the world 24 GRAND SEX Reconnect with your sexy side 26 ASK DR. GRANDMA KAREN Is your welcome matt out? 27 TOYS N' TECH CLICK HERE FOR THE GRAND MAGAZINE MASTHEAD Are you ready for a fart blaster battle? 12 ALIENATED GRANDPARENTS I'm jealous of the other grandparents MY GRANDBABY 14 The secrets of infant sleep 29 INVISIBLE GRANDPARENTS Suffering separation? Get thee to a support group! 31 LEGACY What's going on at your grandchild's school? 33 GRAND FAMILIES Vaccinations 35 HEALTH Are you ready for that 5K race? 36 STYLE Give Sartorial savvy for wearing this vintage look 37 GRAND LIVING When helping hurts 40 GRAND FINALE Who will run the world? the GIFT OF GRAND... it's Free! Click here to listen and learn from GRAND Magazine Radio RADIO