contents Give a GRAND Gift 8 STYLE 7 steps outside your style zone 3 17 6 ON THE COVER: SKYDIVING GRANDS Rebecca and Tom Byrom RADIO Click here to listen and learn from GRAND Magazine Radio 4 GRAND NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2017 Fun with tech for the holidays 26 INVISIBLE GRANDPARENTS TED TALK 28 LONG DISTANCE Never a dull moment? POETRY Soap in the ocean ENCORE CAREERS From self-employment to retirement 11 TRAVEL Intergen travel is a great adventure! 14 HOLIDAYS 10 tips to create a peaceful holiday 15 GRANDFATHER KNOWS BEST Is it magic? 16 ASK DR GRAMMA KAREN After I'm gone, take out the garbage CLICK HERE FOR THE GRAND MAGAZINE MASTHEAD TOYS N' TECH GRAND VIEW 3 fears about screen time for kids, and why they aren't true 5 13 22 MEMORIES AND MOMENTS I didn't want grandkids MY GRANDBABY 23 Grandparenting 21st century style Hope for family reconciliation GRANDPARENTING Living a connected life 30 LEGACY Seeking family connections when you live alone 32 GRANDPARTNERS FOR GRANDPARENTS Adoption - breaking down the myths 33 GRAND FAMILIES We had to seek custody of our grandchildren 35 GRAND LIVING Are you "over-sharing" and "under-living"? 37 GRAND FINALE All I want Give the GIFT OF GRAND... this holiday season Just click here!