" cover story " " " "It is only by aging that we can be in touch with our inner power." Contrary to what people might think about women in their 60s, Yazemeenah feels prettier today than ever before. whatever it might take for Yazemeenah to "...engage them in a carefree and joyous expression of their souls that will leave an indelible impression in the hearts of these young women." Although her grandchildren live in Europe and Yazemeenah sees them only twice a year, she feels an almost telepathic connection with her youngest granddaughter who she believes one day may choose a lifestyle similar to her own. Though Yazemeenah lives in Malibu in a small house without a lot of material possessions, she is content. Contrary to what people might think about women in their 60s, Yazemeenah feels prettier today than ever before. Finding what matters most to her has skyrocketed her creativity, sensuality, and Yazemeenah with both granddaughters 18 GRAND MARCH APRIL 2018 lust for life. She feels like a flower whose blossoms become more beautiful with each passing year. Ironically, having shunned the traditional models' path in NYC in the past, today Yazemeenah finds herself becoming more commercially sought after. She is also very popular on Instagram with women in their 20s and 30s seeking advice on how to stay well as we age. Maybe there's a lesson here for all of us. If you stay true to yourself and follow your heart you can continue to blossom with age. Imagine aging without fear because you've discovered the joy of thriving by simply being you. It's all about "Age Embracing." We are grateful to Yazemeenah for being such a wonderful role model for women of all ages! Continued on next pagehttps://www.facebook.com/GRANDmagazine/ https://www.twitter.com/grandMmagazine