contents 11 17 22 7 GRANDFAMILIES We shall overcome COVER STORY JILL BIDEN You've Got This! CLICK HERE FOR THE GRAND MAGAZINE MASTHEAD 4 GRAND Summer 2020 3 GRAND VIEW TED TALK 26 Outdoor summer fun Where do we go from here? The psychology of your future self 5 RECIPES 9 BEAUTY Precious pineapple cake 3 makeup tips for gals 60+ 12 ASK DR. GRAMMA KAREN Disagreements about use of ventilator 14 TRAVEL On the open road - Colorado & New Mexico 16 POETRY A tribute to grandparents raising grandchildren TOYS GRANDPARENTING The joys of growing older TECH TALK Yes. You do need to learn that new technology 24 LEGACY What you may find in the empty chair 28 INVISIBLE GRANDPARENTS Have fun while sheltering in place 30 BOOKS Summer reading to inspire all ages 31 MEMORIES AND MOMENTS Help wanted 33 GRAND FINALE Let's keep on singing Give the GIFT OF GRAND... Just click here!