grandparenting The T.E.A.M. approach to proactive grandparenting BY RICHARD AND LINDA EYRE he interest in and passion for more proactive grandparenting is exploding. We find ourselves speaking to grandparents all over the country, and more than a thousand have enrolled in our online Zoom course. Grandparenting is where parenting was 60 years ago-it is becoming an art and a skill, and people WANT it. Let us give you just one example: The other day we were invited to speak to a group of CEOs of major companies in Houston. All of them were grandparents, and they wanted us to help them get better at it. Linda was busy getting ready for the wedding of our own granddaughter, so I (Richard) went on my own. The audience was full of questions and enthusiasm. Here is a brief summary of the evening's discussion: " 31 GRAND Summer 2023 I started off by asking them two questions, 1. How would your grandkids describe you? And 2. What do you want your grandkids to remember you for? T " Their answers to the first question ranged from " The old guy with lots of money " to " The lady with the big house and all those rules. " The second question got more interesting-they wanted to be remembered for their support, for their love, and for their deep interest in everything their grandkids did or wanted to do. Continued on next page