grand finale Too hot to handle: How climate change may make some places too hot to live " We need to get angry and understand what is at stake. And then we need to transform that anger into action and to stand together united and just never give up. " Greta Thunberg NASA warns us that as Earth's climate warms, heat waves are becoming more frequent and severe. The health dangers of extreme heat have scientists and medical experts increasingly concerned. And for good reason: heat stress is a leading cause of weather-related deaths in the United States each year. A recent example is the record-breaking heat wave that hit the U.S. Pacific Northwest last summer, killing hundreds. Read more from NASA here If you're looking for a way to protect our planet and ensure our grandchildren have a safe world, join Elders for Climate Action 38 GRAND SPRING 2024 Extreme levels of heat stress have more than doubled in the last 40 years, with significant implications for human health. Credit: Dustin Phillips (Flickr) CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. THANK YOU for reading this issue of GRAND Magazine! Please let us know what you think of this issue at editor@grandmagazine.com