contents 9 5 HUMOR Make priceless memories with older grandkids 8 FOOD & ENTERTAINMENT Build a charcutier board your family will love 3 GRAND VIEW A brand-new year Climate change is real 19 COVER STORY DIANE VON FURSTENBERG CLICK HERE FOR THE GRAND MAGAZINE MASTHEAD 4 GRAND WINTER 2023 11 AGING A timeless presence 13 HEALTHY AGING Three wishes for you 15 AGING Want to Live to 100? 25 LONG-DISTANCE GRANDPARENTS How local grands can help longdistance grands 27 GRANDFAMILIES Facing mental health concerns AGING Old isn't what it used to be ASK DR. GRAMMA KAREN What I did for love 29 CONNECTING GENERATIONS Create together to be great together 31 GRANDPARENTING Death and life and grandchildren 35 MULTI-GENERATIONAL FAMILIES Tips for multi-gen families to thrive 37 GUN SAFETY A season of hope and resolve 39 GRAND FINALE Climate crisis - will your grandkids be there to see it? Give the gift of GRAND... Just click here! GRAND Magazine is a media and affiliate partner for, which means, GRAND may earn commissions on products sold. 17 33 FROM OUR READERS The four stages of conquest Cover photo credit: David Shankbone