2020 CATALYST HANDBOOK INDUSTRY CATEGORIES PROCESS CATEGORIES COMPANY INDEX REFINING FCC NOx reduction FCC additives (NONOX) Application: NOx reduction additives decrease FCC regenerator flue gas NOx emissions. Description: NONOX additive preferentially drives nitrogen species formed by combustion of nitrogen in coke to N2 , rather than to NOx (Fig. 1). NONOX can be used both in full-burn and partial-burn operations. Advantages: NONOX additive provides flexibility to meet environmental NOx limits without CAPEX and with minimal operating expenses by using only the amount required. Economics: Use of additive avoids CAPEX. Supplier: Johnson Matthey Website: www.matthey.com/en/products-and-services/chemical-processes/ additives/nox-reduction-additives Contact: additives.info@matthey.com Fig. 1. NONOX additive preferentially drives nitrogen species formed by combustion of nitrogen in coke to N2 , rather than to NOx. Copyright © 2020 Gulf Energy Information. All rights reserved.https://www.hydrocarbonprocessing.com/ http://www.matthey.com/en/products-and-services/chemical-processes/additives/nox-reduction-additives http://www.matthey.com/en/products-and-services/chemical-processes/additives/nox-reduction-additives