2020 CATALYST HANDBOOK INDUSTRY CATEGORIES PROCESS CATEGORIES COMPANY INDEX REFINING Isomerization RISO-C C5 /C6 Isomerization Catalyst Application: The RISO-C C5 /C6 Isomerization Catalyst (Fig. 1) is a light paraffin isomerization catalyst developed by Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP) in 2014. It is used in C5 /C6 isomerization processes to produce high-octane gasoline components with light naphtha as feedstock. Description: The catalyst is a sulfated metal oxide catalyst. At the mild conditions of 140°C-200°C, 1.5 MPa-3.5 MPa and LHSV of 2-3 h-1, the catalyst is able to promote the RON of isomerate to 82-83 in a " once-through " process (Fig. 2). When combining the unreacted n-alkane recycle process, the final RON of the isomerized products can be as high as 90. Advantages: The catalyst is characterized by high activity on C5 /C6 isomerization, improved tolerance to water and sulfur, high crush intensity, superior regeneration performance and long lifetime. The maximum contents of sulfur and water in feed are 5 ppm. As a regenerative catalyst, the life of RISO-C can be more than 10 years. RISO-C can be applied with high flexibility, as it is suitable for both newly constructed plants and plants with revamped hydrotreaters or reformers. Development: The RISO-C C5 /C6 Isomerization Catalyst was commercialized in 2016 and has been applied in six units in China. Fig. 1. The RISO-C C5 /C6 Isomerization Catalyst. C1-C4 Light naphtha Deisopentanizer Steam heater or furnace Supplier: Sinopec Catalyst Company Limited Website: https://sinopec.imeeton.com/product-solutions/C5-C6-Isomerization-Catalyst Reactor Stabilizer Contact: jiangxm.chji@sinopec.com Dryer Dryer Isomerates Makeup hydrogen Compressor Separator Fig. 2. Flow diagram of C5 /C6 Isomerization Process on RISO-C Catalyst. Copyright © 2020 Gulf Energy Information. All rights reserved.https://www.hydrocarbonprocessing.com/ https://sinopec.imeeton.com/product-solutions/C5-C6-Isomerization-Catalyst