2020 CATALYST HANDBOOK INDUSTRY CATEGORIES PROCESS CATEGORIES COMPANY INDEX PETROCHEMICAL Oxidation OxyMax PA Series Application: High-performance catalysts for production of phthalic anhydride (PA). Description: OxyMax PA catalysts (Fig. 1) offer high performance in selective oxidation of ortho-xylene, naphthalene and mixed feedstocks to PA. They are produced with Clariant's advanced fluid-bed coating process. Proprietary promotors optimize activity and selectivity in a multi-layer catalyst design. This enables catalyst solutions to be tailored to individual plant operating conditions and needs. Advantages: * High phthalic anhydride yields, with slow yield decline * Excellent PA quality * Low formation of carbon oxides (COx ) * Multi-layer design with up to five catalyst layers: Starter layer ensures early stabilization of hotspot and long catalyst lifetime * Catalyst solutions available for all feedstocks (ortho-xylene, naphthalene, mixed feeds). Economics: Multi-layer design with up to five catalyst layers. The starter layer ensures early stabilization of hotspot and long catalyst lifetime. Fig. 1. OxyMax PA Series catalyst. Development: Product names prior to 2019 include PHTHALIMAX and NAPHTHALIMAX. Supplier: Clariant International Ltd. (Switzerland) and its international affiliates Website: www.clariant.com/catalysts Contact: catalyst@clariant.com Copyright © 2020 Gulf Energy Information. All rights reserved.https://www.hydrocarbonprocessing.com/ http://www.clariant.com/catalysts