H2Tech - Electrolyzer Handbook 2022 - 3

Snapshot of different electrolyzer operations
Liquid alkaline solution
eg. KOH or NaOH and using
porous (usually inorganic)
Operating temperature (°C)
Anodic reaction
O2 evolution reaction (OER)
2 OH− r 1/2 O2 + H2O + 2e−
Water reacts to form
oxygen and H+ ions
H2O r 1/2 O2 + 2H+ + 2e−
Operates via transport of:
Cathodic reaction
Hydroxyl ions (OH-)
through electrolyte from
cathode to anode
H2 evolution reaction (HER)
2 H2O + 2e− r H2 + 2OH−
Electrons through external
circuit and selective transport
of H+ across the PEM to cathode
H+ ions combine with electrons
to form H2 gas
2H+ + 2e− r H2
Typical efficiency (%)
Primary advantage
Cost effective with inexpensive
catalysts, low CAPEX and
OPEX, durable
Higher H2 purity,
higher current density
H2 is produced from water
permeating across membrane
from anodic half cell
4H2O + 4e- r 4OH- + 2H2
Low-cost electrocatalyst, less
expensive stack elements, less
corrosive due to dilute alkaline
Electrons combine with
water (steam) to form H2 gas
and O2- ions
H2O + 2e- r H2 + O2-
Superior ionic conductivity,
high efficiency especially
if using waste heat
Low internal ohmic
resistance, Bifunctional yet
less expensive electrocatalyst,
Continuous cyclic operation,
Circumvents cost and issues
involved with membranes
and durability
Primary challenges
High concentration corrosive
electrolytes, Limited current
density, lower operating
efficiency, lower gas purity
hence requiring purification
and compression stages
More expensive stack materials,
High cost of catalysts,
electrodes, and membranes
Low ionic conductivity,
low power efficiency, medium
range membrane stability with
large Ohmic resistance loss and
significant catalyst loading
High temperature operation,
Expensive, energy intensive
High voltage,
low current density
Solid polymer membrane
Polymeric AEM (that contain
positive ionic groups and mobile
negatively charged anions) and
KOH filled anodic half-cell;
no liquid in cathodic half cell
O2 is produced and transported
out through the circulating
4OH− r 2H2O + O2 + 4e−
The semipermeable membrane
conducts anions
O2- ions pass through
solid oxide to anode
Electrons by wires
for O2 evolution reaction
and H2 evolution reaction
H2 is evolved, OH- ions
are generated which pass
through separator
4H2O + 4e- r 4OH- +2H2
Solid ceramic material
typically using water
as electrolysis reactant
O2- ions form O2 gas and
electrons for external circuit
O2- r 1/2 O2 + 2e-
Anolite: O2 rich KOH
Catholyte: H2 rich KOH solution.
4OH− r 2H2O + O2 + 4e−

H2Tech - Electrolyzer Handbook 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of H2Tech - Electrolyzer Handbook 2022

H2Tech - Electrolyzer Handbook 2022 - 1
H2Tech - Electrolyzer Handbook 2022 - 2
H2Tech - Electrolyzer Handbook 2022 - 3
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