PSSAP ® API'S PREMIERE PROCESS SAFETY SITE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM The Process Safety Site Assessment Progam (PSSAP® ) as developed by industry for industry. Relying on over 100 API standards, the program looks at good practices including over 100 industry standards to drive safety and continuous improvement in the refining and petrochemical industries. During a PSSAP assessment, a team of independent, third-party process safety experts spends about a week at a site, working with employees and leadership to fully evaluate the health of the existing process safety system. PSSAP relies on over 100 API standards, and includes a protocol on API RP 751, Safe Operation of Hydrofluoric Acid Alkylation Units. ENHA N CI N G S A F E T Y A ND C O N T I NUO U S I MPRO V EMEN T I N THE REF I N I NG AND PE T R O C H E M I C A L IN D U S T RI E S Learn more: © 2021 - American Petroleum Institute, all rights reserved. API, PSSAP, the API logo and the PSSAP mark are trademarks or registered trademarks of API in the United States and/or other countries. API Marketing & Communications: 2021-076 | PDF