2020 REFINING PROCESSES HANDBOOK PROCESS CATEGORIES COMPANY INDEX TREATING, GAS/LIQUID Aquafining™ Caustic/Amine removal from hydrocarbons Application: Remove soluble organic and inorganic impurities from liquid and gas hydrocarbon streams. This includes caustic, amines, salts, surfactants and oxgenates. Description: AQUAFINING technology employs the FIBER FILM® Contactor as the mass transfer device, and utilizes water as the treating reagent. Advantages: The non-dispersive FIBER FILM Contactor achieves reduced capital expenditure and requires less plant space compared to most treating alternatives, making AQUAFINING the technology of choice. Installations: AQUAFINING technology was first licensed in 1978, and Merichem has granted 90 unit operating licenses worldwide. Licensor: Merichem Website: www.merichem.com/company/technologies/aquafining Contact: www.merichem.com/company/contact-us Copyright © 2020 Gulf Energy Information. All rights reserved.http://www.hydrocarbonprocessing.com/ http://www.merichem.com/company/technologies/aquafining http://www.merichem.com/company/contact-us