2020 REFINING PROCESSES HANDBOOK PROCESS CATEGORIES COMPANY INDEX GT-BenZap® (cont.) Advantages: * Simple and reliable technology, low operating costs-particularly when the DWC option is applied in the reformate splitter and the reactor section is unloaded significantly * An economical alternative to platinum-based systems; less catalyst required * Lower fresh H2 makeup required compared with other technologies * Ability to reduce the benzene in the reformate stream by more than 99.9% * The technology is also successfully applied to food-grade solvents, where benzene must be eliminated completely from the C5-C6 fraction. Utilities: Dependent on the size/capacity of the reforming units, but also on the amount of benzene content into the feed stream. Generally, the more benzene in the feed, the more utilities consumed. Installations: Four commercial licenses. Licensor: Sulzer GTC Technology US Inc. Website: www.gtctech.com; www.sulzer.com Contact: inquiry@gtctech.com Copyright © 2020 Gulf Energy Information. All rights reserved.http://www.hydrocarbonprocessing.com/ http://www.gtctech.com http://www.sulzer.com