Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT8

with impressive design challenges. This is a case
study on the obstacles (including TxDOT crossings,
siphon design, railroad crossings, parallel construction and interconnections to an existing interceptor)
faced during the design and construction of the
5,000-LF City of Fort Worth's Sycamore Creek Relief
(66") Interceptor. All of these complications, combined with 3,000 LF of the new pipe being located
in the Sycamore Creek Golf Course, made for a par
5 engineering challenge with only one option: go
for Eagle.
11 - 11:25 a.m.
Geopolymer Liner Minimizes Impact Of
Culvert Rehab On Vista, CA
Speakers: Joe Royer, PhD, Development Manager,
Milliken Infrastructure Solutions LLC;
Collis Parrish, Business Development, IPR;
Tony White, CCM, Construction Manager,
City of Vista/Buena Sanitation District
The 30-year-old, 1,600-acre South Vista Business
Park includes 256 LF of a 184-inch multiplate arch
culvert running under a primary thoroughfare.
The culvert offers maintenance crews access to
the sewer easement, functions as a crossing for
wildlife and provides a walking path. Corrosion was
progressing and the city sought recommendations
to either remove or rehabilitate the structure. Any
rehabilitation needed to minimize impact on environmentally sensitive areas surrounding the project
site, including wetland habitats. This presentation
will review the solution, the late-2015 installation
involving a high-strength geopolymer liner applied
directly to the host pipe in multiple layers.

Track I-B
8:30 - 8:55 a.m.
Lessons Learned On East Baton Rouge Sewer
Overflow Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program
Speakers: Jason Crain, P.E., Deputy Program
Manager, Sigma Consulting Group Inc.;
Holly Morgan, P.E., Project Manager,
Sigma Consulting Group Inc.;
Joseph Young, P.E., Program Manager,
Adam Smith, P.E., Chief of Wastewater
Operations & Maintenance, City of Baton
Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge
Department of Environmental Services
Performing comprehensive rehabilitation on an
aging sewer system, the East Baton Rouge SSO
Program has inspected, repaired, rehabilitated or replaced approximately 6.7 million LF of gravity sewer
pipe and 28,000 manholes. As with all underground
construction, but particularly with maintenance of
existing underground facilities, it was inherently
complicated with access limitations, land issues,
unknown conditions, and utility conflicts. Luckily,
tools and ideas were available to maneuver through
these challenges and achieve a successful project.
Over eight years and $300 million, the many lessons
learned may be beneficial in being prepared to meet
and overcoming similar challenges.

9 - 9:25 a.m.
Sioux City Uses HDD To Install Twin 36"
Casings For Sewer Siphons
Speaker: David Reuter, P.E., Vice President Sales,
Western Region, Underground Solutions
The city of Sioux City, IA, faced multiple challenges
in relocating its sanitary double-barrel inverted
siphon to clear the way for expansion of Interstate
I-29. It had to cross beneath an urban arterial, three
Union Pacific Railroad spur tracks, an industrial
manufacturer, and a river flanked by a levee on each
side, all at once, with minimal disruption, in a reasonable amount of time and using a cost-effective
installation technique. The answer was HDD: 800foot separate entry and exit connection points at
60-foot installation depth. A 330,000-pound thrust/
pullforce maxi rig installed twin 36-inch diameter
casings, with nested 24- and 30-inch carrier pipes -
all fusible PVC pipe.
9:30 - 9:55 a.m.
Los Angeles Sewer Repair Balances Improvements
With Sensitivity To Residents' Concerns
Speakers: Ronald Rugamas, P.E., Wastewater
Conveyance Construction Division/Civil
Engineer, City of Los Angeles;
Albert Tam, Structural Engineering
Associate III, City of Los Angeles
The City of Los Angeles' Secondary Sewer Renewal
Program successfully rehabilitated secondary sewer
pipes (6 to 15 inches in diameter) on public right-ofway using open-trench method (R&R) and/or curedin-place liners. In 2016, the city completed two pilot
projects under the program, encountering the new
challenges of repairing sewers located on easements
within private properties. This presentation will share
the lessons learned in interacting with the local
community to facilitate the goal of improving and
maintaining the city's sewer infrastructure, while
being sensitive to residents' concerns.
10 - 10:25 a.m.
Substitute Service Line Program Improves Health,
Safety Of Houston Citizens
Speaker: Daniel Oefner, P.E., Supervising Engineer,
City of Houston
This presentation will explore details of the unique
program developed by the City of Houston to
improve the health, safety and welfare of citizens. A
few years ago, it established the Substitute Service
Line Program to respond to failing backlot public
underground infrastructure that posed severe
maintenance challenges due a lack of recorded
easements, building encroachments, adherence to
now-outdated standards and other reasons. Instead
of continuing with the expensive reoccurring maintenance costs that often did not address the root
cause, a proactive approach reroutes private utilities
to public right-of-ways, allowing older utilities to be
forever abandoned.

10:30 - 10:55 a.m.
Valley Forge Emergency Rehab Of 18,000 LF
Pipeline Features Thermoplastic Lining
Speaker: Sean Borris, United Pipeline Systems
When a pipeline suffered three major failures
near Valley Forge, PA, protected waterways were
contaminated, requiring immediate repair or replacement. Assessment of the force main determined
that external corrosion had degraded the strength
of the wire rope inside the 40-year-old, 30-inch,
pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe, rendering it
unable to handle the system's operating pressure.
The presentation will provide an overview of the
repair method - thermoplastic close-fit lining system
- chosen for the 18,000-LF project. Running through
a national park, historic site and protected habitats,
plus crossing the Schuylkill River, the emergency
rehabilitation required the support and cooperation
of several different entities.
11 - 11:25 a.m.
First Major Pilot Tube Project In Detroit Area
Speaker: Steve Matheny, P.E., Logan Clay Products
Because minimizing impact and maintaining traffic
flow were critical to the urban households and
adjacent major arterial streets, the Township of
Clinton specified trenchless technology for 1,000 LF
of the project. Pilot tube guided boring was selected
as the installation method due to its smaller surface
lay-down requirements, and smaller jacking and
receiving shafts. A three-step process involving a
powered cutter head, installed the product pipe in
native stiff clay soil conditions to 3/8-inch or better
line and grade accuracy, at distances up to 320 LF.
Based on this success, the contractor chose pilot
tube guided boring to install the entire 2,080 LF.
11:30 - 11:55 a.m.
Pilot Tube Innovation In Dubai
Speaker: Jason Holden, Director of Sales, Akkerman
Pilot tube innovation contributed to the success of
a high-profile project in Dubai, UAE, where three
guided boring systems installed 296 pilot tube
alignments. Averaging 150 LF, each was positioned
along six elevations, up to 82 feet deep along a
bridge foundation in densely compacted sand and
sandstone. Pilot tube rock drilling was used as an
alternate solution, as ground conditions warranted.
All alignments were completed between January
and August 2017, with 6-inch HDPE and filled with
tension cables connected to the opposing foundation wall. This provided bridge stability during the
excavation, and foundation structural support for
future construction.

Track II
8:30 - 8:55 a.m.
Pipeline Condition Assessment: Devil Is In
The Details
Speaker: Lisa Douglas, P.E., Division Manager,
Carylon Water Group
De Soto, KS, wanted to investigate a pressure differential in a critical raw water main asset running
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Underground Construction - October 2017

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Underground Construction - October 2017

Underground Construction - October 2017
Editor’s Log
Washington Watch
Pipeline Projects
2017 Capabilities Guide
Vic Weston named 2018 MVP
Utility & Communications Construction Business Update
Family, Customer Values Fuel Growth Of CMW
Pipe Bursting: What Are The Technology Expectations?
Bursting In Grand Prairie
NASSCO Tech Tips: The Importance Of Proper Nozzle Selection
Products: Pipe Bursting/Trenchless Pipe Replacement
New Products
Equipment Spotlight
Business Cards
Ad Index
Sales Reps
Calendar Of Events
The Last Word: NASSCO’s Response To Purdue University’s Findings On CIPP
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Underground Construction - October 2017
Underground Construction - October 2017 - IFC
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Contents
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Editor’s Log
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 3
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Newsline
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 5
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 6
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 7
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Washington Watch
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 9
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Pipeline Projects
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 11
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 2017 Capabilities Guide
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 13
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 14
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 15
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 16
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 17
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 18
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 19
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 20
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 21
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 22
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 23
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 24
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 25
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 26
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 27
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 28
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 29
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 30
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 31
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 32
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 33
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 34
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 35
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 36
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 37
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 38
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 39
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 40
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 41
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 42
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 43
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 44
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Vic Weston named 2018 MVP
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Utility & Communications Construction Business Update
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 47
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Family, Customer Values Fuel Growth Of CMW
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 49
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 50
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 51
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Pipe Bursting: What Are The Technology Expectations?
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 53
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Bursting In Grand Prairie
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 55
Underground Construction - October 2017 - NASSCO Tech Tips: The Importance Of Proper Nozzle Selection
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 57
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Products: Pipe Bursting/Trenchless Pipe Replacement
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Business
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 60
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 61
Underground Construction - October 2017 - New Products
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 63
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 64
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 65
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Equipment Spotlight
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Business Cards
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 68
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 69
Underground Construction - October 2017 - 70
Underground Construction - October 2017 - Calendar Of Events
Underground Construction - October 2017 - The Last Word: NASSCO’s Response To Purdue University’s Findings On CIPP
Underground Construction - October 2017 - IBC
Underground Construction - October 2017 - BC
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCTFC
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCTIFC
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT1
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT2
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT3
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT4
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT5
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT6
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT7
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT8
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT9
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT10
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT11
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT12
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT13
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT14
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT15
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT16
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT17
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT18
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT19
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT20
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT21
Underground Construction - October 2017 - UCT22