CONTENTS November 2018 Vol. 73 No. 11 14 Lauzon Contracting Spearheads Utility, Site Prep Work for Housing Development After providing services for nearly 30 years from its crowded residential offices, Northwest Houston Alternatives was outgrowing its space. FEATURES REHABTECHNOLOGY 10 25 Global energy trends and forecasts in the final months of 2018 and into the first quarter of 2019 continue to support a generally bullish outlook for oil and gas production. Pressure pipeline rehabilitation technologies are designed to accommodate a wide range of host pipe materials. International Update: Pipeline Construction and Market Trends 17 First Look: Material-Handling Boom Introduced for Excavators of All Sizes Pressure Pipeline Rehabilitation Testing Requirements Bridge Technological Gap 28 Detailed Planning Helps Resolve Leak on Critical CWA 102-inch Line RCE Equipment Solutions has introduced a material handling boom that economically converts an excavator for handling pipe and other job-site materials. A major component of the Texas Coastal Water Authority is the Lynchburg Pump Station and three, large-diameter pipeline distribution systems that make up the Trinity River Water Distribution System. 18 32 Annual census provides details about contractors that offer large HDD rigs. The company was founded and completed its first expoxy manhole applications in 1988. 2018 Large Directional Drilling Rig Census 24 I&I Conference to Address Root Causes, Solutions A unique specialty conference, to be held in conjunction with the UCT 2019. DEPARTMENTS 2 4 6 8 36 41 45 48 48 48 Editor's Log Newsline Washington Watch Pipeline Projects Business New Products Business Cards Calendar of Events Sales Reps Ad Index Raven Lining Systems Celebrates 30th Anniversary 34 Brad Dutruch ON THE COVER A Southern California Gas Company crew performs maintenance work on this pipeline section of their system.