PIPELINE INSPECTION COMPANY A brochure is now available in print and on their website from Pipeline Inspection Company, detailing the new features and operating data of the Models 780, 785 and 790 Spy® portable holiday detectors. New product features include a topside handle and a more comfortable ergonomic rear handle for easier maneuvering. The models also feature an integral Jeepmeeter with a digital readout and a visible positive ground indicator light that gives the operator the "go ahead" to begin Jeeping. 713-681-5837; 713-681-4838; www.picltd.com SUBSITE ELECTRONICS Subsite Electronics Green Ops While modern technologies have continuously improved utility locating and HDD guidance, the tracking process on HDD bores has remained relatively unchanged since the introduction of horizontal directional drilling. New technologies from Subsite® Electronics have made possible an HDD process called Green Ops that will reduce risk and improve efficiency and profitability on HDD bores. Technology advancements coupled with progressive thinking among industry veterans have been pointing to a coming paradigm shift in the HDD tracking process for a while now. Subsite is spearheading the move to this 'new way of thinking' with the Green Ops process. www.subsitegreenops.com PIPELINE AND GAS JOURNAL P&GJ's Buyer's Guide Readers are urged to check out P&GJ's online Buyer's Guide today! It is a quick and easy reference to over 400 different products and services. Visitors will find a list of vendors providing specific products and services, along with their phone, fax, email and websites. https://pgjonline.com/buyers-guide/ Ditch Witch Innovative Ditch Witch® JT20XP Directional Drill Package Delivers Industry-Leading Power The Ditch Witch® JT20XP horizontal directional drill (HDD) package is designed to provide industry-leading power for mid-sized and larger utility-installation jobs without compromising jobsite footprint. The package combines a JT20XP drill with an XP44 mixing system for an industry-first, full 118-hp solution that channels all on-board horsepower for thrust and rotation. For more information please visit: https://www.ditchwitch.com/directional-drills/ JT MILLER 2016 AD.qxp_Layout 1 12/24/15 11:23 AM Page 1 directional-drills/jt20xp-xp44 COMPANY NAME Product name (optional) XXXX Contact info news, worl over pipeline-news.com UConOnline.com | JULY 2019 47http://www.picltd.com http://www.subsitegreenops.com https://www.pgjonline.com/buyers-guide/ https://www.ditchwitch.com/directional-drills/ http://www.slabach.com http://www.jtmillerllc.com http://www.pipeline-news.com http://www.UConOnline.com