RETHINK THE WAY YOU WORK THE HYDRO-EXCAVATION INDUSTRY HAS BEEN REINVENTED WITH THE XR2 VACUUM EXCAVATOR. The Vermeer XR2 vacuum excavator was introduced to the utility industry to help solve the disposal issues contractors face today. This machine separates excavated solids from liquids and can carry more onboard water storage than traditional machines. REINVENT HOW YOU WORK WITH THE XR2. VERMEER.COM/XR2 Vermeer Corporation reserves the right to make changes in engineering, design and specifications; add improvements; or discontinue manufacturing at any time without notice or obligation. Equipment shown is for illustrative purposes only and may display optional accessories or components specific to their global region. Please contact your local Vermeer dealer for more information on machine specifications. Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and ROVER are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. © 2020 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 19-01962_VMUTIL_XR2PrintDigitalAdCreative_7.75x10.75_UnderGroundConst_02-20-20.indd 1 2/20/20 3:16 PMhttp://www.VERMEER.COM/XR2