24 How to Build a Customized Excavation Protective System Some excavation projects are clear-cut and just require selecting the right excavation protective system for the job. Other projects, such as deep or complex trenches, need a custom-engineered solution. CONTENTS September 2020 / Vol. 75 No. 9 FEATURES 14 Underground Utilities Take Center Stage in Nashville UCT is the major event of the new year. Scheduled for Jan. 26-28 in Nashville, UCT is a true business event for the underground utility infrastructure professional. 18 Suicide Serious Issue for Construction Industry It may surprise some that CDC statistics place construction as the vocation with the highest rate of suicides across all occupational groups. 21 First Look: Heath Offers Advanced Detection Products Heath Consultants now offers two advanced technology products for detecting and documenting the presence of methane gas: the RMLD-CS™ remote gas leak detector and the Odorator 2™ audit system. Each replaces proven legacy products. 27 Puget Sound Energy Creates LNG Bunkering, Supply Facility The Puget Sound Energy facility at the Port of Tacoma will provide an LNG fuel option for cargo ships converted from bunker oil fueled vessels, and additional gas for peak-load needs. DEPARTMENTS DIRECTIONAL DRILLING 4 Exclusive from UCONonline.com 29 6 Editor's Log 8 Newsline 12 Washington Watch Fiber Project Pushes Through Difficult Ground Conditions, Environmental Challenges On its own merit, a HDD shot spanning more than five football fields long is a substantial task. But when you add in both volcanic and clay ground conditions, a tight deadline and an environmentally protected job site, it becomes all the more challenging. 37 39 Business 45 New Products 48 Business Cards 50 Calendar of Events / Ad Index / Sales Offices September 2020 Drilling Fluids Selection Guide REHABTECHNOLOGY UConOnline.com HDD & UTILITIES Fiber Project Pushes Through Challenges Building Excavation Protective System 35 First Look: Gas Advanced Detection Kay Doheny 37 Rehab News Underground Utilities Take Center Stage in Nashville PAGE 14 ON THE COVER Large diameter PVC pipe is laid out on a jobsite in preparation for installation on a water project. UCONonline.com | SEPTEMBER 2020 3http://www.UCONonline.com http://www.UCONonline.com