REHABTECHNOLOGY Spring Cleaning, Sewer Style John Manijak | Michels Corporation Spring cleaning is not just reserved for that pile of old magazines and unfinished winter projects that built up in your garage. It is an essential tool in the sewer maintenance toolbelt that every public works manager should have ready once those snowmen start shrinking. Right about this time every year, we 42 MARCH 2021 | often find ourselves thinking about those warm spring days. The sun peeking out behind the rain clouds and the green grass replacing the mounds of snow are just two visions that come to mind. Yes, spring is just around the corner. With it comes beautiful days for working outside, but it also means extra water that, when added to a sewer system, may be cause for concern. Snow melt and spring showers will test storm system capacity. If catch basins and inlets are still loaded with leaves from last fall, they cannot function properly to filter out the debris from the street to keep it from entering storm mainlines. As the