Learn from industry experts during UCT's benchmark education program. Attend engaging panel discussions, hear about real-life examples and case histories - and earn credit. The entire comprehensive program qualifies for Professional Development Hours (PDHs)/ Continuing Education Units (CEUs) reviewed and granted by the University of Texas at Arlington. Here's the program-at-a-glance. For the latest schedule and detailed information, visit " UCT Program " under the " Education " tab at UCTonline.com. ROOM 104E Track V Women in Underground Infrastructure ROOM 104E Track VI Microtuneling/ Ramming/Boring ROOM 106BC Track VII-A HDD ROOM 106A Track VII-B ROOM 104A Track VIII-A UtiliTech Random Bit Third Cutters for Hole Openers Women Lead Historical P3 Water Supply & Integration Program in Texas Problem Solving: Women vs Men Increasing Safety & Performance in HDD: Latest Developments Gas Pipeline Damage and Soil Gas Mitigation Intersecting HDDs: What are your Options? Pushing Boundaries in Small-Diameter Hard Rock Microtunneling Guided Boring, Pipe Jacking Provide Relief for Flooding in City of Meguon Pipe Ramming in Running Soil Conditions: Case Study in Northern Florida Value Engineering with Soil Stabilization & Pilot Tube Method of Guided Boring Multi-Rig Management: How Intersect Technology Generates Efficient, CostEffective Operations Gyroscopic Surveying in the HDD Industry Pipeline Owner/ Operator Roundtable Excess Flow Valves: Sizing Fittings & Valves Driving Job-Site Efficiencies through Better Data Future of Natural Gas Industry TeraTrak R1: Re-inventing the Measuring Wheel for HDD UCONonline.com | JUNE 2021 51http://www.UCTonline.com http://www.UCONonline.com