CONTENTS July 2021 / Vol. 76 No. 7 FEATURES 17 The Future is Underground From its humble beginnings as a monthly newsletter for pipeline construction to the primary news and information source for all sectors of the underground infrastructure market, for 75 years Underground Construction magazine has been a consistent and constant force covering and supporting the industry. 18 Growing Pains and Gains The " wild ride " of the 1990s was tame compared to what the underground construction industry experienced during the 2000s. 23 3rd Quarter Utility & Communications Construction Update While the underground construction industry performed admirably throughout 2020 and into the second quarter of 2021, there is an air of uncertainty for what the second half of 2021 will bring. 26 Rescheduled PLCA Convention Set for August The year 2020 and even through the fi rst half of 2021 was a period of challenges and adjustments for members of the Pipe Line Contractors Association. DEPARTMENTS 28 EQUIPMENT SPOTLIGHT: Vacuum Excavators 32 City's Proactive Approach to Minimizing Localized Flooding Ask Chris LaCroix what his crews have found in the storm and sanitary sewers of the city of Lake Charles, La., and you'll get a wide range of answers. REHABTECHNOLOGY July 2021 32 FIRST LOOK: InnerCure Provides System That Prevents Lateral/Main Leaks InnerCure Technologies Inc. has introduced a new technology to stop leaks at sewer mainline/ lateral connections. 38 NASSCO Tech Tips Understanding styrene and CIPP 40 Rehab Technology Selection Guide 44 Rehab News ON THE COVER Celebrating 75 years of the underground infrastructure industry. 4 Exclusive from 6 Editor's Log 8 Newsline 12 Washington Watch 45 Business 47 New Products 48 Product Showcase 49 Business Cards 50 Calendar of Events / Ad Index / Sales Offi ces 75th ANNIVERSARY | JULY 2021 3