PIPE FUSION AS EASY AS... Choose your fusion control level: 1 Operatorcontrolled carriage position and times during fusion process 2 Softwarecontrolled shift sequence and shift sequence and heating / fusion heating / fusion times with onscreen prompts screen prompts THE TRACSTAR® fusion process to ensure consistent fusions that adhere to industry standards. 3 Fully automatic, software-controlled process ISERIES A new family of fusion machines builds on the TracStar's rugged, self-contained tracked vehicle while adding industry-changing technology for an improved user experience across three new models. Powered by the new FusionGuide™ Control System, integrated software guides the user through every step of the Control System, integrated software guides the user through every step of the TracStar 630i TracStar 900i TracStar 1200i LEARN MORE at mcelroy.com/iseries ©2021. MMI block, TracStar and DataLogger are registered trademarks of McElroy Manufacturing Inc. FusionGuide is a trademark of McElroy Manufacturing Inc. All Rights Reserved.http://www.mcelroy.com/iseries