PPG RAVEN 405 ® The flagship epoxy of our wastewater treatment coating systems PPG RAVEN 405 is an ultra-high build epoxy lining system with high physical strength and broad chemical resistance to stand up to severe, caustic environments. Applications: * Concrete wastewater lining * Clarifiers and digesters * Tunnels and pipelines * Tanks * Secondary containment * Manholes Visit www.ppgpmc.com to find out more. PPG RAVEN 405 is available only to certified applicators. www.ppgpmc.com | 1-888-9PPGPMC | PMCMarketing@ppg.com The PPG Logo is a registered trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc. PPG Raven is a registered trademark of the PPG Group of Companies. Corrosion resistance Adhesive strength 100% solids, ultra-low VOC (0.52 g/L) Quick return-to-service SWAT certificationhttp://www.ppgpmc.com http://www.ppgpmc.com