ALA 2010 Annual Conference Preliminary - (Page 28)
28 AnnuAL ConferenCe & eXhibition 2010 preLiminAry progrAm REGIStRAtION & hOuSING INfORMAtION AdvANCE dEAdLINE IS MAY 14, 2010 registrAtion DAtes Advance: March 6- May 14, 2010 Onsite: May 15 - June 29, 2010 (online registration is available) registrAtion rAtes ALA Personal Member:* Advance $215 Onsite Rate $260 Division Member:* Retired Member:* Advance $210 Onsite Rate $260 Advance $145 Onsite Rate $230 Join ALA AnD sAve! Non-members and former members of ALA are invited to join the association to receive both the member registration discount as well as ongoing benefits to your career and professional knowledge that come from membership. First, go to to join or re-join and start taking advantage of new and improved benefits such as: AL Direct, our weekly e-mail edition of American Libraries that keeps you on the cutting edge of news that affects all types of libraries; and your members-only discount on ALA Editions and Graphics products for you and your library. Then, go to and register for conference at a substantial savings. If you have questions about which membership is right for you, e-mail John Chrastka, Director of Membership Development at ADvAnce registrAtion To register in advance, print or type and complete all sections of the form that follows. You may register for all listed events and pay with one check. Use one form per person for full registration or exhibit badges only. Fees will increase to onsite rates after May 14, 2010 but you may still register online. Bring your membership card or proof of dues payment and photo ID. Secure online registration with your credit card is also available at www.ala. org/annual. ALA Student Member:** Advance $120 Onsite Rate $130 Non-Member: Exhibits Only: Exhibits Plus: Exhibits Supreme: Advance $298 Onsite Rate $380 Advance $25 Onsite Rate $25 Advance $35 Onsite Rate $35 Advance $75 Onsite Rate $100 * must show proof of membership ** must show proof of ALA student membership and school ID
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ALA 2010 Annual Conference Preliminary
ALA 2010 Annual Conference Preliminary
Table of Contents
ALA President's Program
Auditorium Speaker Series
Opening General Session and Closing Session
Special Events
Book Cart Drill Team World Championship
Exhibit Information
Division Presidents' Programs
Council and Membership Meeting Schedule
First Time Attendee Information
General Information
Travel Information
Registration and Housing Information
Hotel Information
Pre-conferences and Special Events
Tour Information and Registration
Camp ALA
ALA Acronyms
Program Tracks and Descriptions
ALA 2010 Annual Conference Preliminary