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using in building collections, in providing access to information resources, and in providing access to digital and web-based information resources. In addition to clearly communicating one’s theoretical framework, especially when providing information services, and reference and research consultations, a librarian is also obligated to keep up-to-date with collection development needs and trends in the field. Approaching the practice of librarianship from a theoretical stance such as decolonization opens interesting possibilities for a librarian. My collaboration with Barbara and other faculty in the NAS Program has been the foundation for my getting a research grant, presentations at library conferences and at a discipline-based conference. I have also been a strong advocate within the NAS Program for the inclusion of information literacy components in the curriculum and in the outreach programs we have provided to the Omaha Public Schools. In addition, operating from a theoretical stance has helped me understand the challenges and obstacles that a faculty member faces in the flow of scholarly communication. Common issues in NAS research activities BR Ideally, NAS is the result of interdisciplinary processes. However, that statement is subject to individual experiences with how one understands the borders of her own discipline and by extension, interdisciplinary goals, methodologies, and appropriate products. One typical way of approaching NAS is through the Social Sciences. However, this approach frequently restricts the role of the arts in interpretation of culture. Frequently, the arts are overlooked as anything other than a form of popular culture mirroring the attitudes within the dominant culture concerning the visual and performing arts. In this instance, ideas about the role of art in medical practice seem misplaced or the everyday arts are demoted to the world of “crafts.” For those in the humanities, including the social sciences or hard sciences can seem intimidating even though more indigenous scholars are calling for the interpretive skills of my field, literary criticism, to be applied to tribal governance documents and in turn, for works of fiction to be interpreted in the context of treaties, ecological concerns, or sovereignty. Maintaining strict disciplinary borders serves the colonial institution, not indigenous peoples. Daniel Heath Justice offers one example of this when he comments on the oft used phrase that we create ‘art for art’s sake.’ For Justice, this notion “…promotes ‘hypernarcissism’ and selfcentered conceit that contributes to the destabilization of basic values and kinship ties of tribal communities” (Justice, “Seeing” 108). Instead, he proposes we borrow Marilou Awiakta’s alternative adage of “art for Life’s sake” (Justice, “Seeing” 109). Justice elaborates by stating this philosophy defines his: …approach to Nation-building, sovereignty, self-determination, and decolonization: the creation and critique of ‘art for art’s sake’ within specific tribal tradition, and the extension of those efforts to broader pan-tribal understandings. While our survival and growth require strong economic and political activism, so too do they require an activism of the imagination, a dedication to realizing ourselves outside of colonialist lies and stereotypes. Art that speaks only to itself is of little help in this struggle. (Justice, “Seeing” 109) Donald Fixico confirms this necessity by remarking on the history of Indian/White relations in this hemisphere. “The Wars fought between Indians and Whites were more than just over land – they were wars of the minds” (Fixico 15). One of the biggest challenges to promoting this expansion of interdisciplinary research is making the issues and ground-breaking research accessible to readers. Those voicing the need for an expansion of Indigenous studies programs and resources frequently note that academic institutions need to be responsive to the needs of their regional Native American communities. Tackling complicated social concerns ranging from poverty and health care to issues of identity, enrollment and gaming requires a far greater investment than any single technique or research methodology. Expanding interdisciplinary research was recently explored in two special editions of American Indian Quarterly (AIQ), both published in 2004. Devon Mihesuah served as the serial editor. The Winter/Spring issue: 153
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color
Reviewers of Contributed Papers
JCLC2006 Steering Committee & Assignments
Opening Keynote Speaker - Loung Ung
Social Capital: Points of Discussion - The Academic Librarian Perspective
Librarians and Social Movements
The Future is Not a Gift...It is an Achievement
In Living Colors: Collections from the Library of Congress
Images of Native Americans in the Prints & Photographs Division Library of Congress
Asian Collections in the Digital Age at the Library of Congress
Diversity Counts
After 9/11: Immigrant Users and the Public Library
Libraries Yesterday and Today: Serving Latino and Asian Immigrants
Who is NOT Welcome at the Library, and Why Would They Come?
Choosing to Fight: The Effort to Save the Clark-Atlanta University School of Information and Library Studies
Looking Back, Looking Forward and the Role of Service Within the American Library Assocation
Celebrating Our Cultures and Our Children: Authors Share Their Stories
Keynote Speaker - Juan Williams
In Search of Your Chinese Roots: Chinese Names and the Genealogical Records for Jiapu
Two Florida Librarians - Dr. Henrietta M. Smith and Samuel F. Morrison: Change Makers in the Profession
Self-Published Autobiographies By African Americans: Illuminating the Historical Record
Achieving Our American Dreams
Multicultural Materials Course
ESL and SSL: English and Spanish as Second Languages Collection Development
Selecting Periodicals for the Spanish-Speaking Community
Creating a Research Infrastructure for Native American Studies (NAS)
What Progress? Images of Persons of African Descent in Newbery Award Titles and Honor Books 1990-2006
Luncheon Keynote Speakers - Bertice Berry, Mayra Montero, Cynthis Leitich Smith, and Lisa Yee
Diversity as a Cornerstone for Librarian Recruitment: the New Jersey Experience
From the Grassroots: Strategies for Organizational Leadership Opportunities
Peer Information Counseling: Many Stories, Many Voices
Recruiting for Diversity: The Florida Experience
It's Time for a Change: Improving the Salaries of All Library Workers
What Can Certification Do For You? A Facilitated Discussion
Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Students of Color
Culturally Responsive Outreach: The Tribal College Librarians Institute at Montana State University
Designing and Developing Continuing Education Programs to Meet the Diverse Needs of Library Staff
LIS Access Midwest Program (LAMP): A Regional Initiative to Recruit and Retain Members of Underrepresented Groups
The Ripple Effect: Fostering an Interest in Librarianship Among Talented Undergads
Developing an Effective Mentoring Program
Nuturing and Amplifying Agricultural Information for America
Library Outreach to Juvenile Offenders in Intensive Supervision Programs (Community Centered House Arrest)
Honoring Generations: Developing the Next Generation of Native Librarians
Documenting Histories of Underrepresented Voices
Faculty Centered Information Literacy Models for Ethnic Studies
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Resource Collections: Dallas Public Library
The Urban Library Program, Building Careers; Reflecting Community
WebJunction's Spanish Language Outreach Program: Empowering Library Staff to Meet the Information and Technology Needs of Spanish-Speeking Customers
Virtual Reference Services in Multilingual Environments
Closing Keynote Speakers
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Cover2
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Contents
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - vi
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Introduction
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Reviewers of Contributed Papers
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - JCLC2006 Steering Committee & Assignments
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Opening Keynote Speaker - Loung Ung
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 2
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Social Capital: Points of Discussion - The Academic Librarian Perspective
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Librarians and Social Movements
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 13
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 15
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 17
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 18
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - The Future is Not a Gift...It is an Achievement
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 20
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 21
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 22
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 23
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 24
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 25
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - In Living Colors: Collections from the Library of Congress
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 27a
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Images of Native Americans in the Prints & Photographs Division Library of Congress
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 29
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Asian Collections in the Digital Age at the Library of Congress
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 32
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 33
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 34
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 38
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 39
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Diversity Counts
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 41
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 42
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 43
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 44
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 45
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 46
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Libraries Yesterday and Today: Serving Latino and Asian Immigrants
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 47a
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 48
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 49
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 50
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 51
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 52
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Who is NOT Welcome at the Library, and Why Would They Come?
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Choosing to Fight: The Effort to Save the Clark-Atlanta University School of Information and Library Studies
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 55
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 56
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Looking Back, Looking Forward and the Role of Service Within the American Library Assocation
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 58
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 59
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Celebrating Our Cultures and Our Children: Authors Share Their Stories
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 63
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 64
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 65
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 70
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Keynote Speaker - Juan Williams
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 72
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - In Search of Your Chinese Roots: Chinese Names and the Genealogical Records for Jiapu
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 90
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 93
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 94
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 95
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 98
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Two Florida Librarians - Dr. Henrietta M. Smith and Samuel F. Morrison: Change Makers in the Profession
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 102
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 103
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Self-Published Autobiographies By African Americans: Illuminating the Historical Record
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 108
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 109
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 110
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 113
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Achieving Our American Dreams
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 125
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Multicultural Materials Course
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - ESL and SSL: English and Spanish as Second Languages Collection Development
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 137
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 139
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 140
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 143
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 144
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Selecting Periodicals for the Spanish-Speaking Community
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 147A
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 147E
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 147F
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Creating a Research Infrastructure for Native American Studies (NAS)
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 162
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - What Progress? Images of Persons of African Descent in Newbery Award Titles and Honor Books 1990-2006
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 180
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Luncheon Keynote Speakers - Bertice Berry, Mayra Montero, Cynthis Leitich Smith, and Lisa Yee
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 185
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Diversity as a Cornerstone for Librarian Recruitment: the New Jersey Experience
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - From the Grassroots: Strategies for Organizational Leadership Opportunities
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Peer Information Counseling: Many Stories, Many Voices
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Recruiting for Diversity: The Florida Experience
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 228
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - It's Time for a Change: Improving the Salaries of All Library Workers
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 231
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 233
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - What Can Certification Do For You? A Facilitated Discussion
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Students of Color
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 240
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 245
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Culturally Responsive Outreach: The Tribal College Librarians Institute at Montana State University
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 248
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Designing and Developing Continuing Education Programs to Meet the Diverse Needs of Library Staff
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 251
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 252
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 253
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 254
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - LIS Access Midwest Program (LAMP): A Regional Initiative to Recruit and Retain Members of Underrepresented Groups
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 258
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - The Ripple Effect: Fostering an Interest in Librarianship Among Talented Undergads
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 261
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 262
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 263
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 267
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 268
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Developing an Effective Mentoring Program
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 279
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 280
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Nuturing and Amplifying Agricultural Information for America
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 284
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 286
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Library Outreach to Juvenile Offenders in Intensive Supervision Programs (Community Centered House Arrest)
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 290
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 291
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 292
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Honoring Generations: Developing the Next Generation of Native Librarians
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 296
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 299
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 300
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 301
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 302
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 303
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 304
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Documenting Histories of Underrepresented Voices
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 307
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Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Faculty Centered Information Literacy Models for Ethnic Studies
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 310a
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 311
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 312
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 313
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 314
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 315
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Resource Collections: Dallas Public Library
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 317
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 318
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 319
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 320
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 321
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 322
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 322A
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 322B
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 322C
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 322D
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 322E
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 322F
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - The Urban Library Program, Building Careers; Reflecting Community
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 324
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 325
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 326
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - WebJunction's Spanish Language Outreach Program: Empowering Library Staff to Meet the Information and Technology Needs of Spanish-Speeking Customers
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 328
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 329
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 330
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 331
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 332
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 333
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 334
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 335
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Virtual Reference Services in Multilingual Environments
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 337
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 338
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 339
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 340
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 341
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 342
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - 343
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Closing Keynote Speakers
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Cover3
Proceedings of the First National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color - Cover4