INTROD UCING HOTEL ROI An InnovativeUCING One-D ay Conference Series INTROD HOTEL ROI An Innovative One-D ay Conference Series MA XIMIZE REVENUE & MINIMIZE COSTS HOUSTON | LOS ANGELES | CHIC AGO | BALTIMORE | PIT TSBURGH | ATL ANTA | CHARLOT TE | PITTSBURGH | ATLANTA | BALTIMORE | CHARLOTTE | HOUSTON | LOS ANGELES | CHIC AGO | BALTIMORE | PIT TSBURGH | ATL ANTA | CHARLOT TE ANGELES | CHIC AGOfocused | BALTIMORE | leverage PIT TSBURGH Hotel ROIHOUSTON is a series |of LOS regional one-day events on how to an | ATL ANTA | CHARLOT TE D ISRUPTING THE TRAD ITIONAL CONF ERENCE MOD EL. ERENCE MODseries EL. is fresh, fast paced and asset for maximum returns in a specific market. The Hotel ROI is a series of regional one-day events focused on how to leverage an asset for maximum synthesized into "information snacks," that inform, inspire and givefor action to insights Hotel ROI is a series of regional one-day events focused on how to leverage an asset maximum Hotel P rofits T o T he Max snacks," that inform, inspire and give action to insights that can be implemented immediately. that can be implemented immediately. D ISRUPTING THE TRAD ITIONAL CONF ERENCE MOD EL. Brought you by Hotel Management in partnership with AAHOA. Hoteland ROItoisgive a series of regional one-day&events focused how to leverageimmediately. an asset for maximum snacks," that inform, inspire action to insights that can be on implemented Register at thatcode inform, AAHOA50 and give action toan insights that can bediscount. implemented immediately. and use snacks," promo for exclusive Brought to you by Hotel Management &inspire in partnership with AAHOA. Hotel P rofits T o T he Max Hotel P rofits T o T he Max Brought to you by Hotel Management & in partnership with AAHOA. W W W.HOTELROI.COM | @HOTEL _ ROI | #HOTELPROFITS TOTHEMA X Brought to you by Hotel Management & in partnership with AAHOA. | _ ROI | #HOTELPROFITS TOTHEMA X W W W.HOTELROI.COMW W|W.HOTELROI.COM @HOTEL _ ROI |@HOTEL #HOTELPROFITS TOTHEMA X http://WWW.HOTELROI.COM