2018 LIVE from HD Expo is the perfect long-term companion to your onsite tradeshow efforts. This custom video presentation expands your post-show audience, drives qualified leads to your sales website, and maximizes your overall tradeshow investment. 2017 Participants Durkan Hospitality FloorFolio Industries Gerber Plumbing Fixtures Lexmark + Hospitality Luminance MDC Wallcoverings Metroflor Mity-Lite OW Hospitality ROHL Samelson-Chatelane Shaw Hospitality View all 2017 LIVE from HD Expo videos at hdexpo.com and hospitalitydesign.com Reserve your spot for 2018! The Ultimate Connector to the Hospitality Industry PAUL BIENKOWSKI Publisher 860.644.3861 pbienkowski@cox.net PHYLLIS VISCIDI East/Midwest Brand Strategy Manager 781.431.1320 phyllis@viscidi.com LILIANA CONNOLLY East/Midwest Brand Strategy Manager 781.431.1320 lil@viscidi.com GERRY KREGER Western Brand Strategy Manager 323.999.0991 kregerg@aol.comhttp://www.hdexpo.com http://www.hdexpo.com http://www.hospitalitydesign.com