TAKI N G DESI G N TO N EW H E IGH TS October 2020 New York 1 Day. 150 influential attendees. Powerful speakers. Hear from the brightest minds in design-from hospitality and coworking to retail and healthcare- in conversational TED-inspired talks that look at what's happening today and what's in store for tomorrow. Network during matched meals, breaks, and cocktails with invited designers, architects, owners, brand executives, and purchasers. For sponsorship opportunities, contact: PAUL BIENKOWSKI Publisher 860.655.3134 pbienkowski@cox.net LILIANA CONNOLLY East/Midwest Brand Strategy Manager 781.492.1509 lil@viscidi.com GERRY KREGER Western Brand Strategy Manager 323.999.0991 kregerg@aol.com NEIL HOCHMAN NY-CT-NJ-PA Brand Strategy Manager 917.434.5663 neil@viscidi.com