H E A L T H C A R E D E S I G N A P R I L A P R I L 2 0 1 7 V O L . 1 7 N H C D M O . 4 A G A Z I N E . C O M 4 The YGS Group reprints@theygsgroup.com 800.290.5460 N U M B E R For more information and to order your reprints, please contact: 1 7 Here are some ways reprints can be used: * Sales and marketing materials * Direct mail enclosures * New product announcements * Recruitment and education * Trade show handouts * Brand awareness and identity * E-mail campaigns HALO EFF ECT l of San n's Hospita V O L U M E Help your company stand out among the rest. Reprints are customized, high-quality printed and digital replications of original editorial or featured coverage of your company, product and/or service. 2 0 1 7 Custom Reprints The Childre High-quality printed and digital replications! Antonio