ADVERTISEMENT CEU L E A R N I N G O B J EC T I V E S Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: HEALING 1. Recall the inception of healing gardens and the studies that led to their creation. 2. List benefits of a healing garden to patients, families, healthcare workers and the environment. 3. Describe the goals of a successful healing garden and some of the garden elements that support these goals. 4. Summarize the considerations for designing shade and seating for a healing garden. A CONTINUING EDUC ATION PRE V IE W SPONSORED BY SUNBRELL A ® 1 A I A L U / H S W H O U R (#A E C 8 8 9 ) 5. Identify the fabric selection considerations for both shade and seating elements. Learn more about the role of fabric for shade and seating in healing gardens by completing this continuing education course and passing the free test at This course has been designed to provide an overview of the benefits of incorporating performance fabrics into outdoor healing spaces in healthcare settings, with discussions on the importance of seating and shade in healing gardens and fabric selection considerations. Reuse | Revive | Repopulate by Rafael Dualibe dos Santos envisions reusing an old building with a fallen-in roof as a community park. A frame shade structure emulates cloud formations to provide shaded areas of varying densities. THE ANCIENT CONCEP T OF NATURE A S HE ALING DIMINISHED A S TECHNOLOGY PROPELLED MEDIC AL A DVANCE S OF THE 20TH CENTURY. TO DAY, BACK ED BY E X TENSI V E RE SE ARCH, HE ALTHC ARE PROV I DERS RE ALIZE ANE W THE IMPORTANT ROLE NATURE C AN PL AY IN REDUCING PATIENT S TRE SS, IMPROV ING HE ALTH OUTCOME S AN D HUMANIZING CON DITIONS FOR FAMILY MEMBERS AN D MEDIC AL S TAFF. Cooling Tower by Carlos Cuenca Solana is a bottle-shaped shade structure that provides a shaded space with natural ventilation powered by a color gradient on the fabric covering.