consulting services at HOK (New York), adding that initiatives may include establishing a continuum of care to drive costs down, emphasizing population health, and leveraging the power of electronic data in care delivery. In addition to new models of care, healthcare organizations are balancing numerous other priorities that will require a design eye, says Richard Witt Jr., chief design officer at AE Works (Pittsburgh). "From regulatory and energy mandates to accelerated technology and security concerns, we as design professionals must provide solutions that optimize buildings, provide flexibility and sustainability, all while integrating with an existing campus to create a holistic environment where people are the focus." Other respondents said they anticipate continuing to collaborate with clients on shifting to ambulatory settings in an effort to offset high patient volumes that continue to be seen in emergency departments and inpatient surgery centers. Answering ongoing reimbursement challenges by pursuing Percentage of firms that identified the following as the most common client goal for projects in 2017 Increasing Improving patient sustainability experience/ measures satisfaction 0% 55% 3% Supporting population Designing spaces health/creating for future flexibility/ ambulatory networks adaptability 7% 23% 3% 23% Supporting population health/creating Rebranding ambulatory networks 7% 3% 23% 3% 7% 6% APRIL 2018 Preparing facilities for telehealth/emerging technologies Designing spaces Adding service lines for future flexibility/ adaptability Addressing aging building stock Increasing sustainability Rebranding measures 0% 3% 55% 3% Preparing Improvingfacilities patient for telehealth/emerging experience/ technologies satisfaction Supporting population Preparing facilities for health/creating telehealth/emerging ambulatory networks technologies 7% 3% 23% 3% Designing spaces for future flexibility/ adaptability Rebranding Adding service lines 3% 23% 7% Designing spaces Supporting population for future flexibility/ health/creating adaptability ambulatory networks 6% 36 Preparing facilities for Rebranding telehealth/emerging technologies HCDMAGAZINE.COM Addressing aging building stock http://www.HCDMAGAZINE.COM