HEALTHCARE DESIGN SHOWCASE G ENETIC ME DICINE CL I NI C Sanford Imagenetics Sioux Falls, S.D. S UBMITTED BY: K O C H H A Z A R D A R C H I T E C T S ( S I O U X F A L L S , S . D . ) A N D H D R ( O M A H A , N E B . ) Sanford Health engaged Koch Hazard Architects and HDR to help them create a new model for a translational design solution that embodies Sanford's groundbreaking integration of genomic and traditional medicine, and facilitates Sanford's excellence in patient care, collaboration and research. To achieve Sanford's vision, the design focuses on spaces that foster collaboration and connections among clinical and research teams, while also providing a sense of transparency and intuitive wayfinding for patients. An onstage/ offstage circulation system enables very efficient staff traffic, limits disruptions to the patient experience and maintains the security of patient medical information. The design team knew that the integration of genomics into the traditional clinical model would hinge on collaboration and flexibility to accommodate an evolving practice. The strategy of smaller pods of exam rooms achieved the physician-to-exam room ratio established by the owner while supporting teams small enough to run trial implementations of genetic counseling and related services before expanding to the full clinic and beyond. Multiple 128 AU G U S T 2 01 8 / S U P P L E M E N T T O H E A LT H C A R E D E S I G N