REMODEL/RENOVATION COMPETITION G O LD WINNE R Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center - MMMB Patient Terrace Buffalo, N.Y. S UBMITTED BY: L A B E L L A A S S O C I A T E S * R O C H E S T E R , N . Y . D ESIG N TEAM: Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center (client, architect); LaBella Associates (project manager, architect, MEP engineer); Trowbridge Wolf Michaels Landscape Architects LLP (landscape architect); John P. Stopen Engineering LLP (structural engineer); Telco Construction (primary contractor) CO ST PER SQ UA R E F O O T: $360 PHO TO S (AFTER ): James Cavanaugh Photography F IR M CO NTAC T: (585) 454-6110 BEFORE 36 D E C E M B E R 2 01 8 / S U P P L E M E N T T O H E A LT H C A R E D E S I G N A DOSE OF fresh air and sunlight have long been prescribed as a cure for many ailments, but for most of the late 20th century, hospitals were designed to be air conditioned high rises with an emphasis on a clinical environment and reducing steps for caregivers. Expansions and the need for adjacent medical office buildings have resulted in healthcare campuses that are compact urban sites with minimal opportunities for landscaping. So how do healthcare facilities respond when ample scientific research begins to clarify the importance of access to gardens and nature for healing? Many healthcare campuses turn to the roof. Rooftop healing gardens have the benefits of being private-access is controlled through the hospital-and have the potential for expansive views. And the benefits of access to such a garden can be enormous for patients, their families, and the facility's staff. The challenges? Many hospital roofs host a myriad of mechani-