PROJECT WATCH Kaiser Simi Valley Behavioral Health + Wellness Center The renovation of the Behavioral Health + Wellness Center for Kaiser Permanente was completed in late 2018 at a cost of $9.5M consisting of approximately 18,374 SF. The design created a space where the patient would feel both comfortable and safe and in an environment that did not stigmatize the user for seeking behavioral health treatment. The team created distinct gathering nodes throughout to provide privacy and a sense of "peace". These gathering nodes reinforced that guests have a choice in the type of setting - from large seating areas to smaller seating areas. The furniture fabric and colors helped set the "tone" and "feel" for the various group settings. Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (713) 622-1180 FIRMS FIRMS FEATURED FIRMS Looking for inspiration? Visit the Featured Firms section of Healthcare Design's website to view recent projects from some of the biggest players in healthcare design. Interested in adding your firm's work? Contact Donna Paglia at or 210-419-9017 for details. Anna Shaw Children's Institute, featured by ESa (Earl Swensson Associates). Photo: © Chad Mellon 88 N OV E M B E R 2 01 9 / S U P P L E M E N T T O H E A LT H C A R E D E S I G N