PP RR OO DD UU CC TT GG AA LL LL EE RR YY Facelift Sleepover Back-Flip Sofa Better care starts with better planning + design Midmark RTLS can help connect technology, equipment and the EMR to improve the clinical care environment at the point of care and beyond. Our sensible Facelift Sleepover Back-Flip Sofa is beautiful and functional. Just fold down the back cushion and it transforms into a generous sleeping surface. Features include an anti-microbial moisture barrier and Velcro attached removable covers. Several arm options are available. Proudly made in America with a Lifetime Warranty and certified: BIFMA Level Sustainability Standard. Visit us at HCD Expo Booth 2019 Visit us at HCD Expo Booth 1325 Midmark Corp. (800) MIDMARK www.midmark.com/medical Trinity Furniture, Inc. (336) 472-6660 www.trinityfurniture.com Creating an enjoyable mealtime routine Today's care staff are challenged physically when moving seated residents up-to or away-from the table! ComforTek addresses this challenge as dining chairs are designed to roll-swivel-turn and lock for safety! Better ergonomics for every body Midmark worked with over 20 facilities across the US to create the only mobile workstations that can support the height requirements of 95% of users in the clinical setting. Mealtimes are simply more enjoyable as stress and anxiety has been reduced for residents, their families and care staff! There is a better way.... Visit us at HCD Expo Booth 2019 Visit us at HCD Expo Booth 618 Midmark Corp. (800) MIDMARK www.midmark.com/workstations ComforTek Seating (888) 678-2060 www.comfortek.com/better 96 N OV E M B E R 2 01 9 / S U P P L E M E N T T O H E A LT H C A R E D E S I G Nhttp://www.trinityfurniture.com http://www.midmark.com/medical http://www.comfortek.com/better http://www.midmark.com/workstations http://www.comfortek.com/better