HEALTHCARE DESIGN SHOWCASE OUTPATIENT / AM BUL AT ORY CARE CE NT E R William Osler Health System, Etobicoke General Hospital Ottawa, Ontario, Canada SUBMITTED BY: H D R ( O M A H A , N E B . ) Etobicoke General Hospital (EGH) - West Wing is part of a phased EGH Redevelopment Plan. The continued use of the existing facility has been strengthened by the development of an additional 250,000 square feet including a new entry pavilion to rebrand and re-organize access to the facility as well as a four-story tower plus penthouse modernizing urgent care, ambulatory, and inpatient services on the campus. An overarching strategy in the design of the facility was to employ the use of a set of structural trusses to span the entire width of the entry pavilion in order to only require six columns throughout the entire space. The new entry pavilion reorients the entrance to balance between the existing public access core and the new tower. This re-orientation allows for a visual connection to the 110 AU G U S T 2 0 2 0 / S U P P L E M E N T T O H E A LT H C A R E D E S I G N