HEADER WOUND CARE Protect all lines. Protect all lives.™ * Over 70K BSI cases occur each year, costing US hospitals between $0.6B and $2.7B annually2,3 * Protecting the insertion site from bacterial colonization is important to reduce the risk of infection - in both central and peripheral devices1,4 * Improved central line insertion practices, including usage of a CHG dressing in adults, have resulted in reduction of CLABSI and improved outcomes in hospitals nationwide5 Regardless of device, resident bacteria from the patient's own skin quickly re-colonize.6 Pre-Prep Bacteria colonies exist not only on the surface, but below the surface as well, particularly within the hair follicles and sebaceous glands.1 Post-Prep (immediately following antiseptic application) Post-Prep (within 1-2 days following antiseptic application) Prepping the skin reduces colony counts of bacteria from the surface only - it never completely disinfects the skin.1 Resident bacteria begin to re-colonize the skin surface.1 BIOPATCH® continuously releases CHG onto the skin surrounding the insertion site of a percutaneous device to maintain skin antisepsis for up to 7 days.7 BIOPATCH® Protective Disk with CHG PROVEN PREFERRED Proven efficacy in over 15 randomized control trials - more than any other option available today8-10 The only CHG Dressing with over 25 years of extensive clinical use11 DESIGNED TO DELIVER 360-degree coverage provides skin antisepsis around the entire insertion site.13 19MS4306 Trusted by more than 70% of hospitals across the nation12 Removal with Biopatch is a simple, one-step process - with no saline or alcohol swabs needed14 Log on to www.henryschein.com/medical 37http://www.henryschein.com/medical