Getting to the heart of the matter. Quidel's Triage BNP Test is a powerful, CLIA-waived test for the measurement of BNP to help manage potential and current Heart Failure patients. Combined with the Automated, Calibrated and Connected Triage MeterPro, the Triage BNP test provides an objective, quality solution that can aid in accelerating decision making for critical conditions at the point-of-care. In approximately 15 minutes using whole blood (and just 2 minutes of hands-on time), you can use the Triage BNP test result to create a Heart Failure risk assessment baseline - while the patient is in the clinic - providing the opportunity to have a profound impact on the patient's health. CLIA WAIVED Automated Calibrated Connected For more information on our CLIA-waived Triage BNP Test, contact your Henry Schein representative. AD9800000EN00 (01/19) Diagnostics I Pharmaceuticals I DxRx Solutions I Continuing Education I News 9 A Henry Schein Publication