01 The Next Generation of Midmark® Steam Sterilizers 02 Midmark Steam Sterilizers are designed inside and out to make instrument processing as easy and as automated as possible. 01 Navigate cycle setup and other processes with a clear, fi ngerprint-resistant 5-inch touchscreen you can utilize while wearing gloves. 02 Determine cycle status-cycle in progress, cycle complete and cycle error-from a distance with a progressing color-coded LED light bar, large cycle countdown clock and audible cues. 03 Stay audit-ready with device reminders, user authentication, unlimited storage of routine care events for the life of the sterilizer, and automated cycle recordkeeping. For more information, visit: henryschein.com/medical 03 © 2024 Midmark Corporation, Versailles, Ohio USA 24SM2621 33http://www.henryschein.com/medical