Contact your Henry Schein representative for more information. Help patients stay ahead of their health goals WITH POINT-OF-CARE TESTING Lipid Panel, Glucose, and A1C Results in Minutes * Improve communication and collaboration between providers and patients * Inspire patients to take a more active role in managing their health CardioChek® Plus Lipid panel and glucose results in as little as 90 seconds CardioChek Plus Starter Box HS Item #: 570-1036 60 tests. Includes analyzer, lipid panel test strips, eGLU test strips, multi-chemistry controls, and capillary tubes CardioChek Plus analyzer HS Item #: 570-0411 Lipid Panel+eGLU Smart Bundle HS Item #: 570-0412 PTS Collect Capillary Tubes HS Item #: 570-0413 PTS Panels Multi-Chemistry Controls HS Item #: 261-8361 A1CNow®+ HbA1c results in 5 minutes The A1CNow+ test system - 20 tests HS Item #: 570-3428 includes analyzer, test cartridges, and shaker kits 6 24SM2621