Advanced disinfection science on the inside. Trusted name on the outside. Introducing PowerScrub™ The only vacuum line cleaner with SmartScrub™ technology Your vacuum lines need regular disinfecting every day (at the very least). Now more than ever, it's your responsibility to keep current with modern infection control protocols and ensure your patients safety. SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a case (4 Bottles) of PowerScrub™ and get a Sidekick Dispenser* A $55.79 Value! Item# 135-6058-BEF Description PowerScrub Vacuum Line Cleaner - 64 oz bottle Price $63.49 ea. /4 (case) $62.79 ea. TM *To receive your no charge goods, please submit a copy of your Henry Schein invoice dated 1/31/21-2/27/21 through the online form at by May 15, 2021. NEW! ProRepair Instrument Sharpening Subscription Plan 229 per year $ $229 will be billed to your Henry Schein account annually using item code (907-6412). To enroll, visit TRADE-IN DISCOUNT * XDURA Instruments Come with a 30% Trade-In Discount, All Other Brands 15% off Trade-In for Subscription Customers PROFESSIONAL SERVICE * Professionally Sharpen ANY BRAND and ANY TYPE of Dental Instrument-Hygiene, Restorative, Surgical, Diagnostic * Experienced Craftsmen Provide High-Quality Sharpening and Repair * True Total Sharpening Solution DISCOUNTED SHARPENING * XDURA Instruments are Always Sharpened at No Charge * Scalers & Curettes $2.99 Each (33% Discount from MSRP $4.50) $250 Value Included with Every Plan! XDURA Hygiene Kit Includes: QUICK TURNAROUND ✓ NMJ Universal Scaler * 2nd Day Air Shipping for Price of Ground Shipping! All Sharpening Orders Automatically Receive 2nd Day Air Shipping at Our UPS Ground Rate ($8.99) * 24-Hour In-House Turnaround from Time of Receipt * Instruments Returned in 4 Business Days! ✓ 204S Posterior Scaler ✓ Barnhart 5-6 Universal Curette ✓ Gracey 11-12 Curette ✓ Gracey 13-14 Curette XDURA® Hygiene Kit Included with Every Plan! Must use promo code BEF when ordering. 27