Recent events might have altered your plans, but we can help! If you're considering retiring or selling your practice sooner than you had planned, Henry Schein Professional Practice Transitions can help you through the process. Retirement should be a planned event and we want to ensure your patients are being taken care of by fi nding the right buyer for your practice. Our Transition Sales Consultants will take care of all the details, including: * Help investigate your retirement options * Perform a detailed valuation of your practice * Establish the right listing price * Prequalify all prospective buyers * Assist with fi nancing options and availability What are you waiting for? Schedule a complimentary, confi dential consultation with a Consultant today. ■ PRACTICE SALES ■ 866-712-9064 50 21PT4334_plans options worth_7.8x9.7.indd 1 USE PROMO CODE NJJ WHEN ORDERING © 2021 Henry Schein, Inc. No copying without permission. Not responsible for typographical errors. VALUATIONS ■ TRANSITION CONSULTING/ PLANNING ■ ASSOCIATESHIPS To order, visit: 1/26/21 5:33 PM