DENTAL PROJECT & PRACTICE FINANCING Rely on Henry Schein Financial Services (HSFS) for your project and practice fi nancing needs. With years of industry expertise, our fi nancing professionals will help you obtain the fi nancial resources you need to start, acquire, and grow a dental practice. * Start-up and constructio n financing * Projec t financin g loan s * Workin g capita l loan s * Equipmen t financin g an d leasin g * Commercia l rea l estat e loan s * Deb t re financin g an d consolidatio n ■ EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY FINANCING AND LEASING ■ PROJECT FINANCING ■ WORKING CAPITAL LOANS ■ DEBT REFINANCING & CONSOLIDATION Rates and programs are subject to change without notice. All transactions are subject to the satisfaction of underwriting guidelines, credit approval by third party lenders, and documentation requirements, and not all applicants will qualify. Certain other restrictions and additional terms and conditions may apply. Neither Henry Schein, Inc. nor Henry Schein Financial Services is a bank and neither represents itself as such, nor conducts banking activities. Henry Schein Financial Services may receive a marketing fee from the vendor for products/services purchased. " World's Most Ethical Companies " and " Ethisphere " names and marks are registered trademarks of Ethisphere LLC. 38 21YS6722_Project Financing_7.875x 9.75.indd 1 USE PROMO CODE SPN WHEN ORDERING To order, visit: 4/7/21 11:35 AM