Revolutionize your practice. Dental professionals who use lasers perform more procedures, in less time, with better results than those using traditional methods. DenMat's NV® PRO3 Microlaser is optimized for all your periodontal, resorative, orthodontic and surgical procedures. Bring the benefi ts of laser dentistry to each patient while increasing practice production. Patient Comfort * Healthier approach to tissue management* * Minimal need for anesthesia * Reduction in post-op discomfort Production Effi ciency * Improved access and fi eld of vision * Decreased treatment time in many cases * Reduced impression retakes Clinician Benefi t * Seamless integration into the practice * Incremental revenue through additional procedures * Increased patient acceptance * Generates patient referrals SAVE $ 650 PLUS... Buy 1 NV® PRO3 Get 2 Packages of Tips (25/pk) (shipped with order) NV PRO3 Microlaser (190-0426) ........Ea. 5,349.99 NV PRO3 Disposable Regular Tips 5mm (25pk) (131-4673) ..........Ea. 232.99 *As compared to a scalpel or electrocautery. 46 USE PROMO CODE TR4 WHEN ORDERING To order, visit: www.henryscheindental.com