Dental exclusive toothbrushes with clinically proven benefits Reduces 151% more bacteria** Designed for a whole-mouth clean Polishing cups help remove stains Innovative cheek and tongue cleaner Comfortable, ergonomic handle Designed for a deep, gentle clean. 17x slimmer tip bristles* reach tight spaces SlimSoft™ provides 2.5x greater interproximal plaque reduction§2 6x deeper subgingival access‡1 Save 10% Regular Price 6 per Box $9.99 Sale Price 6 per Box $8.99 12 Boxes @ $9.49 12 Boxes @ $8.54 1.5x deeper interproximal access‡1 SlimSoft™ Soft ............................(543-0169) SlimSoft™ Extra Soft ......................(543-0128) 360°® 360°® 360°® **Bacteria that cause bad breath vs. brushing teeth alone with a Colgate® flat-trim toothbrush. * Vs a soft, ordinary flat-trimmed toothbrush with end-rounded bristles. † More bristles vs ordinary flat-trimmed toothbrush. ‡ Statistically significant (p<0.05) vs an ordinary flat-trimmed toothbrush. § Reference: 1. Subgingival access efficacy study. Data on file. Colgate-Palmolive Company. 2. Clinical study by Gallob, 2015. Use promo code TR4 when ordering 7 Vs an ADA conventional flat-trimmed toothbrush. Compact ...........................(543-0201) Ultra Compact ..................... (543-0200) Enamel Health™ ....................(543-0179)