Fit-N-Swipe Adhesive cleaning pad for cleaning dental instruments during a procedure * One-hand usage without assistance * Always in immediate working area * Outside of patient focus * Handy, time saving, individual 4.7/5 Rating Improves efficiency for hygienists! * More efficient option than cotton pads, cleaning tissues, woven gauze swabs, etc. Read the Evaluation Choose your preferred placement option! Fit-N-Swipe Clean Adhesive cleaning pad for clean instruments * Unique microfiber with high-retention capacity * Quickly and easily remove debris with one swipe! (142-6206) Fit-N-Swipe, Clean (white) 50 Pads Microfiber Texture The thumb Back of the hand The instrument Heel of the hand Fit-N-Swipe Dry Adhesive drying pad for crystal-clear mouth mirrors (142-6207) Fit-N-Swipe, Dry (blue) Testimonials Bettina Drewes: " I think Fit-N-Swipe is a very good product as there usually is no assistant available in prophylactic treatment and Fit-N-Swipe makes the work so much easier. " Melanie Graf: " Absolutely great! It's simple and easy. 'Peel off and stick on the glove - ready!' After the treatment simply dispose of the glove. " To Order: 1-800-372-4346 8am-8pm (et) California customers please use website when ordering for Prop 65 information. 50 Pads Multi-layered Fiber Pad * Unique multi-layered fabric * Removes even greasy or oily contaminants without streaking Side of the hand Fit-N-Swipe CLEAN (White Pad) Palm of the hand Fit-N-Swipe DRY (Blue Pad) 5